Wednesday 30 November 2011

Trocadero E-mail

This is the E-mail that we sent to London's Trocadero to see if it would be possible to get permission to film using their photo booth

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Production Day 3

Today we began to film the photobooth scene after receiving an email stating it was ok. For this we used the theatre in our school. We used the red curtain in the theatre to create a realistic backdrop and had the two artists sit on a piano stool to further imitate the photobooth. Despite a malfunction with one of the lights filming was successful and we plan to use it for our final video.   

Theater Location Pictures

Idea For Scene

One of the ideas we had for our music video was to have the artist to have an out of body expirence to show how he regrets the previous chances he has had with the girl in the video. This has been shown in films such as ghosts of `Ghosts of Girlfriends past` and `Scrouge`. We thought it would be interesting for our music video to have the artist `step out of himself` and over look his own situation. We belived that it would improve our music video for him to be overlooking a narritive of himself while the artist was doing a performance of the song. This would also have improved the intertextual knowledge of our music video as this technique has been used in a number of differnt media productions.

Email Response for Theatre

This is the response we recieved to use the theatre.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Email To use Theatre

This is the email that we sent to see if we could use the theatre we have in school to film part of our music video.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Music Video Draft Feedback

This is the feedback from my video draft. This should help us make improvements as we now have a better idea of what our target audience wants.

Friday 25 November 2011

Reply from Westfield Ice-rink

This is the reply which we recieved from westfield ice rink. They had some provisions on whether we or not we could film.

Final Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule we actually followed
Key: Red: Completed
Black: Not Completed

Thursday 24 November 2011

E-mail to Ice Rink

This is our second attempt at asking a number if different ice rinks to see if they would allow us to use their ice rink to film part of our music video.

Rough Cut of Our Music Video

This is the first full draft of our music video. We have roughly edited this video to give us a basic idea of what the video is going to be like and also to see so we can see amy problems and correct them. We also used clips from youtube and a storyboard to fit in the bits that we have not yet filmed. this helped us to get the correct timmings so that the song and the visuals would fit together.

Music Video Draft Survey

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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Location for Photo Booth Scene

This is the research that we have done on the photo booth scene. We have decided to do it in London Trocadero. Here are the opening times of Trocadero, we have decided to film at 11 O'clock on Sunday as we believe this will be a non-peak time.   

Trocadero Opening and Closing Times
Monday: 10:00-00:00
Tuesday: 10:00-00:00
Wednesday: 10:00-00:00
Thursday: 10:00-00:00
Friday: 10:00-01:00
Saturday: 10:00-01:00
Sunday: 10:00-00:00

Monday 21 November 2011

Production Day 2

Today we decided to film at Canary Wharf for the performance part of our music video. Despite initially having problems with security asking for a filming license it was quickly resolved after showing our student I.D. We filmed the artist in a well lit area despite it being the evening and therefore dark outside. We was originally happy with what we filmed despite a few minor problems with the dolly however after going over the footage we realised that the artist was not comfortable with the lyrics and therefore we decided not to use this footage.  

Sunday 20 November 2011

Second Filming Schedule

This is the original filming schedule.
Key: Red: Completed
Black: Uncompleted

Saturday 19 November 2011

Production Day 1

Today we tried to film the footage for the flashback scenes at Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland. We originally planned to film at around 2:30pm however as the actor meet us an hour late we did not begin our journey to Hyde Park until 2:50pm. This meant we that we arrived at the location at 3:30pm and the sun set at around 3:50pm. This lead to us filming the majority of the footage in the dark which we did not anticipate for the date scenes. Despite this we decided to go ahead with filming but after looking over the footage the majority was filmed un usable as it was to dark.

Original Filming Schedule

15:00 - 18:00
* Digital HD Handheld Camera
* Large Tripod
Hyde park
Candy Floss
* Meeting Up
* Walking/shopping
 14:00 - 17:30
* Digital HD Handheld Camera
* Large Tripod
South Bank
 17:00 - 19:00
* Digital HD Handheld Camera
* Large Tripod
* Dolly
Canary Wharf
16:30 - 17:00
* Digital HD Handheld Camera
* Large Tripod
Bishop Theatre
Inside Photo Booth
20:00 - 21:00
* Digital HD Handheld Camera
* Large Tripod
Perdy Street, Bow
Beginning and End Scenes (Love Actually)

Friday 18 November 2011

Test Shoot

This is the test shoot of our artist miming the lyrics to our chosen song (not in costume). We done this to make the artist more comfortable and familiar with the song and also to see the artists performance so that we can suggests ways in which he can improve.  

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Actor Profile

This is a brief profile of the actors that we are going to use for our music video.

The Artist

Name: Martin Filani
Age: 17
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Brown
Ethnicity: African/British

As both of our actors have other commitments we asked for their timetable to see the time that would most suit them for filming.

Main Girl

Name: Masuda Khatun
Age: 17

Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Ethnicity: Bangladeshi

Saturday 12 November 2011

Location List

This is the location list that Lauren has done which lists all the suggested locations that we have considerd.

Hyde Park Winter Wonderland, 18th November - 3rd January, 10am - 10pm
Columbia Road, 30th November - 21st December, Wednesday 5pm - 9pm
Candle Lit Christmas Market and Carols, Petersham, 7th December - 14th December, Wednesday 6pm - 9pm
Southbank Centre Christmas Market, 18th November - 24th December, Monday - Thursday 11am - 8pm, Friday - Saturday 10am - 10pm, Sunday 10am - 8pm
Santas Grotto at Selfridges, 19th November - 24th December
Santas Grotta at Harrods, 5th November - 24th December
Santas Grotta at Hamleys, 1st December - 24th December

Candy Floss/Candy Cane
Photo Strip
Santa Hat

Male Lead: Jeans/Chinos, Jacket/Coat,
Main Girl:

Tuesday 1 November 2011

New Synopsis

The video’s narrative will start with the male character walking the girl character home after a date. This immediately show’s conformity to Claude Levi-Strauss’ narrative theory of binary opposites as it shows the opposite of boy Vs girl. It will then show him walking away from her front door without kissing her. The video will then turn performance based as he starts regretting his decision. Through this it could be argued that we are challenging Todorov’s approach to narrative theory as the video starts at disequilibrium and then revisits the equilibrium throughout the video. The male lead will then begin to have flashbacks of their previous date. It will start with them meeting on their date and showing the enjoyment they both had whilst on the date. Their will then be a number of other flashbacks showing the date to the audience. One flashback will be showing the male lead reaching out to hold the female leads hand but then pulling away right at the last minute. It will then continue to the performance as he reviles a photo strip from his pocket, which will be used as an intertextual reference to the Justin Biber song mistletoe. We will use voyeurism in the narrative at this point as the camera video will stop at every point there would be a picture. This will be the last flashback as it makes the artist realise that he needs to go back. This is where we will use the intertextual reference to love actually. The artist will then be walking towards the girl’s house with a stereo and placards in his hands the exact same way as the film does. He will then show the girl the placards one by one but instead of showing the text from love actually it will show the lyrics to the song. Also similar to the film the girl will stay at the door while the boy walks away but as he does so chases down the street and kisses him.