Sunday 16 October 2011

Original Synopsis of our Music Video

The narrative of our video begins with the artist on his way to meet 'the girl'. Whilst he is walking, he has flashbacks of all the chances he's had to tell the girl how he feels, e.g: in the cinema. Therefore, he is regretting all those times he missed his opportunity as he still feels the same way about her, and is now contemplating whether he should tell her or not. Once he's met the girl, he backs out of telling her and leaves to go off with his friends, then afterwards the girl gets a phone call from her ex-boyfriend. Later on, whilst he is with his friends he sees the girl with her ex-boyfriend and the video freezes on the artists facial reaction just before they kiss. The video then rewinds to the point when the artist is in the car with his friends, after just leaving the girl, he tells them to turn the car around and goes back to the girl. Finally he kisses her, lets her know how he feels about her and the video will end on the couple together.

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