Sunday 25 September 2011

original ideas

These are some of our original ideas that we looked at before we decided on Chris Brown Should've kissed you

The first song that we was considering was I Get Lonely Too by Drake. We chose this song originally as it has the potential to be a largley narritive based music video and we had decided on a narritive rather than performance based video. However after looking into the song in more detail we decided that the song itself was to slow paced and would not fit into our basic plan that we had originally based our ideas on using traditional present day R&B conventions. Futhermore it was decided that we could not find an actor who would fit the voice of the artist of this song.

Our second choice was Hate That I Love You by Ne-yo and Rhianna. Again we considerd the narritive of this song and belived and believed that the lyrics and pace of the song would be sutible for a narritive based music video. Unfortunatley this song already had a very well known and established narritive based video. After looking at the video we decided that as it such an established and well known video it would have a large influnce on our music video and therefore we decided against it. 

We also considerd the song I Love You by Chris Brown. This song did not have a music video and also had a narritive that would fit well into our initial ideas. Unfortunatley the beat of the song was not what we considerd to traditional of R&B. Also the pace of the song seemed to be to fast for our music video so therefore we decided to look for another video.

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