Wednesday 21 December 2011

Magazine Advert Analysis

In this image the artist is faded in the background over a backdrop of New York City. This has been done to show the artist as the typical representation of a 20th century gangster. The artist’s costume is not typical of the Hip/Hop genre as the artist is in a suit and tie which contradicts traditional Hip/Hop costumes which are usually of baggy clothing or tracksuits. However the smart dress wear that the artist wears reinforces the stereotype of a gangster as it shows a sign of wealth. This does conform to the traditional conventions of Hip/Hop as crime and displaying wealth is something that is usually associated with the Hip/Hop genre. The backdrop of New York City could be seen as a representation of the control and the power that the artist holds over the city. By showing this the artist seems to be boasting about his power which also conforms to the Hip/Hop genre as this type of arrogance is also associated with the Hip/Hop genre. This is supported by the intertextual references to the film `American Gangster` as the artist is representing the character Frank Lucas who, through corruption was highly influential in New York City. However as the artist is from Brooklyn, New York he may be showing his pride and support for his hometown which is also associated with this genre as many.

The colouring on this advert is black and white as the image has seemed to have been desaturated. This continues to create an intimidating theme over the image as the image is very dark. The connotations of the colour black and darker shades are that of death and sin this both supports the intimidating feel that the artist is trying to create and also to continue to support the artists attempt to be represented as a gangster. The colour red is also used to underline the title in this image. This brings attention to the title but also continues the theme of this advertisement. This is done through the connotations that the colour red represents which are connotations of blood danger and pain. This maintains the artists theme of intimidation and crime. Also the darker shades which show the artist combined with the faded effect given make him seem like a Benevolent, Godlike figure as the image of the artist is hovering over the city.

The design/layout of this advertisement is an accurate representation of his artist for a number of different reasons. One reason for why this advert it an accurate reflection of the artist is because he known for making many references to crime and the concept of a `gangster` in his music. Therefore the theme of this advertisement seems to be appropriate for such an artist. Also, the artist costume also has connotations of wealth and success. This being the artists 10th solo and widely successful album makes him one of the most successful artists in his genre which is represented through this magazine advert.  
This advert is showing the release of the artist’s album. From the way that the artist is represented it shows that this album is likely to conform to the traditional Hip/Hop stereotype. It also suggests that this album is going to be similar to the artists other albums.   

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