Monday 26 December 2011

Inspirational Cover

I also got inspiration from the Eminem album 'Curtain Call'. Although this album is not related with my genre it contradicts its Hip/Hop genre in many ways. For example this genre is known for vulgarity and excess however this cover is very basic with a simple concept. Also the costume in the Hip/Hop genre is generally based on baggy clothing and tracksuits. By doing this the artist has contradicted his own genre and created an album cover that may better fit in the R'n'B genre. I liked the concept of the stage from this album cover to use on my own. However I believe as it would be the artists first album I would prefer to have my artist on a bare stage without the roses as a prop. I also thought that it would be better to use a similar concept but have a close-up shop of the artist rather than a shot from the waste down.

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