Tuesday 21 June 2011

Andrew Goodwin Theory

For this coursework I will be using Andrew Goodwin’s theory on music video’s to help me understand the traditional conventions of a music video.
·         Goodwin believes that there needs to be a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. This does not necessarily mean that the lyrics and visuals must match in a literal way, Goodwin suggests that the relationship could be used to illustrate, amplify and even contradict the lyrics.
·         Goodwin also has a similar belief towards the music and the visuals. He suggested that the visuals should also be used to illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.
·         Star image was also a large part of Goodwin’s theory. He believed that the video must also be used in an attempt to promote the image and the character of the artist.
·         Goodwin also suggested there should be a number of close-up’s when making a music video.
·         Voyeurism was another key factor in Goodwin’s theory. Particularly for female artist, Goodwin believed that voyeurism was also a needed factor. This also co-insides with Laura Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze.
·         He also believes that to keep the audience familiar intertextual references’ are crucial.          

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