Sunday 26 June 2011

Textual Analysis Summary

For this course I have analysed two music videos. I have done this so I could be comfortable with the different codes and conventions in the music video. This will make it easier for me to do my own music video as I will have examples as a basis to use. It will also help me understand the conventions of my genre of music and note how different genres of music differ from this. This will help me decide whether I would like to conform to these stereotypes or contradict them when making my video. It will also show to me how different videos show display these codes and conventions and also how they represent their specific genre. For example from my textual analysis I have noticed that artists from the R&B genre are represented as romantic and accessible o the audience. The video uses close-ups of the artist to show a more emotional and sensitive side. Whereas the Hip/Hop genre is less romantic as they objectify women rather than displaying that women are something they desire.

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